I have had to use this a few times for customers so I thought I might publish it. Comes in handy when managing alerts from cluster objects and associating them with a physical node, or when extending computer properties. # Get Virtual Servers Array $VirtualServers = Get-SCOMClass -name ‘Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.VirtualServer’…
This is a script example I did a demo on recently. It is designed to help you keep up with agents that are not communicating with SCOM, fix them, or help you categorize them into groups for troubleshooting. I was working with a customer that has a very large environment,…
The recordings are available from the May 2020 Silect MPU. Here is my session and links to all the sessions are below. 1. SCOM and MP Updates – In this session, Microsoft Product Group is going to talk about updates in SCOM and Management Packs. Updates such as Update Rollups…
As many customers prepare to move to SCOM 2019, one thing I have been hearing is how many customers are still on SCOM 2012R2. There is no direct in-place upgrade path from SCOM 2012R2 to SCOM 2019. You have to upgrade 2012R2 > 2016 > 2019. Many years ago I…
At the time of this writing, the last Windows Server Remote Access Management pack released by Microsoft was for Windows Server 2012R2. Customers need to monitor their VPN solutions deployed using the Windows Server Remote Access role on Windows Server 2016 and 2019. This MP will discover and monitor all…
I have had this request from several customers, just want to document a PowerShell script example of this for the community. Sometimes I have customers who end up with a large number of agents that are decommissioned, or we want to remove large numbers of agents because we migrated them…
Quick Download: https://github.com/thekevinholman/WindowsServerBackup This is a simple MP to discover when the Windows Server Backup Feature is installed on your servers, and automatically monitor for backup job success or failure. I noticed we don’t offer anything for this and many customers use this feature. This monitors the…
KB Article for OpsMgr: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4546986/update-rollup-9-for-system-center-2016-operations-manager Download catalog site: http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4546986 Updated UNIX/Linux Management Packs: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29696 Recommended hotfix page: https://kevinholman.com/2009/01/27/which-scom-hotfixes-should-i-apply/ Key fixes: Fixed: On Windows Computer View of SCOM Console, Queries are optimized for better performance. Fixed: We have updated stored procedure to handle Alert Source Path Names which are greater than…
This article covers SQL Agent job monitoring in the current SQL Version Agnostic Management pack, version and later. I will cover three conceptual areas: Out of the box experience and defaults SQL Agent only monitoring (monitoring all jobs at the agent level) SQL Agent Job monitoring (optionally discovering and…
Quick Download: https://github.com/thekevinholman/MaintenanceModeDSTFixScript Maintenance Mode Schedules are a new feature since SCOM 2016. However, one of the challenges with these schedules, is that they run one hour off their intended schedule time, after a Daylight Savings Time change. For instance, if you look at an existing schedule, you can…