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How to change Web Console defaults in SCOM 2019

There are several default settings in the SCOM Web Console, that are done to increase the speed and performance of the Web Console.  There are times, however, where you might want to change these.

One of the most common complaints, is that the Web Console doesn’t show the same Alerts as the regular console, or that the State views in the web console are limited to 200 items. 

CAUTION:  The Default settings are configured for best performance reasons.  Making changes to these settings can slow down your web console when interacting with views, and potentially increase the load on the SCOM SDK.  However, these will vary wildly with each customer management group and how many items they are trying to look at.

Here is an example of a state view in the console with more than 200 objects:


In the Web Console:


Alerts in the console:


Alerts in the Web Console:



Here is why, and how to change these defaults:

On your web console server, you can find a Web.Config file in the folder where SCOM is installed:  \Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager\WebConsole\MonitoringView\

Open this folder and FIRST make a backup copy of this file:


Next – open the Web.Config file using an *elevated* text editor.

Find the default  <appSettings> section:

<appSettings> <add key="ManagementServerName" value="localhost"/> <add key="SessionTimeout" value="1440"/> <!-- <add key="setting" value="value"/> --> </appSettings>

Above that – you will see an explanation for the applicable configuration settings.  I will summarize them below:

AlertsDaysBefore [default=7] (days) How long to look back for alerts based on time created AlertSeverity [default=1] 0-Critical only, 1-Critical and Warning, 2–Critical, Warning, and Information. LimitMaxViewRows [default=200] The max number of results displayed in the monitoring views. ViewAutoRefresh [default=5] (minutes) The auto-refresh timeout for the monitoring views. PerformanceLegendMax [default=45] Performance views only. Defines the max number of counters displayed in the Performance Legend. PerformanceCookieExp [default=2] (months) Performance View only. The performance counter selection cookie expiration timeout. PerformanceHoursBefore [default=24] (hours) Performance View only. Defines the max number of past hours from the current time to show the performance data for. MaxNonVGChildCount [default=50] Diagram View only. Defines the max number of child nodes in the Diagram View. ConsoleRoot [default="/MonitoringView"] The server relative URL to the OperationsManager application. DefaultErrorHandling [default="false"] ASP.NET error handling. When set to "True", the exception will be displayed according to the system.web/customErrors/@mode setting.

Here is my new <appSettings> section:

<appSettings> <add key="ManagementServerName" value="localhost"/> <add key="SessionTimeout" value="1440"/> <add key="LimitMaxViewRows" value="300"/> <add key="AlertsDaysBefore" value="60"/> <!-- <add key="setting" value="value"/> --> </appSettings>

Now my web console matches my regular console:




The changes take place immediately – no restart of the server nor IIS is required.  However, any active users will need to sign out and back into the Web Console or they might see an error until they do.


  1. Martin

    Great info Kevin!

    Do you know if it is possible to NOT show Active Alerts Dashboard for a specific user role in the webconsole?
    Have tried to edit a specific own created userrole and for them i unchecked Active Alerts Dashboard. When i check permission again for the userrole the Active Alerts Dashboard is checked.

  2. Martin

    Another question about the webconsol

    Is there anyone who knows how and what to set, if you want the state widgets in an dashboard to show more than the default 50 results? Everytime we opened the dashboard we have to set the result to 100 manually via the scrolldown. I gues there is a config for that?

    • BeM

      Hi Martin,
      did you find a solution for your two questions (default limited rows in Web Dashboards / hide the Active Alerts Dashboard)?

      I would really appreciate a solution for these problems!!


        • BEM

          Does anyone know if there is an update to this question?
          Is it possible to view all entries/rows in a view at the Webconsole at once?
          Without the dropdown list oft 25, 50, 100 items?

          Or Maybe that it shows 100 items default than 25?


  3. Mats Westerholm

    Martin: There is rumors this will be included in SCOM 2019 Update Rollup 3. But I have not been able to find any official info on this.
    There is some thread on Microsofts forum where they suggest to change the default sql views in the database for this. But I wouldn’t recommend trying that in production 🙂

  4. Vik

    Do you know how to modify the defaults for widgets (say the Alert Widget on web console)?

    I initially removed the default resolution states via SQL (excluding NEW and CLOSED) and created my own ones. However, when I go to Web Console > Dashboard > Add Alert Widget > under ‘Select Resolution State’, it auto selects the 7 default states despite me deleting 5 of them. I can’t find where else these are being referenced from. Thanks

  5. Roman

    Hi Kevin,

    Do you have an idea how i can enable that a normal User (Read-Only Operator) can user the Performance View of an Object in the SCOM Web Console? because these users just get the Error 500 – Internal Server error. but an Admin of SCOM sees the Performance view. Thank you!

  6. Midhun

    Hello Kevin,

    I am facing an issue with SCOM 2019 Webconsole.

    While logging in with http locally from MS, it asks for ‘Windows Authentication’ or ‘Use Alternate Credentials’; by selecting one we are able to access the console.

    While logging in with HTTPS locally from MS, it asks for ‘Windows Authentication’ or ‘Use Alternate Credentials’; but this time, though we select any and give our credentials, it will not move ahead and stays on the same page.

    We are having 8 SCOM MGs, out of which 4 are working with https but 4 are not going through with https.

    Note: I have validated all the bindings, certificates, authentications…all looks similar between working and non working MGs

    Could you please help on this scenario.

  7. Abdelaziz Mahmoud Aqel

    I have Q here

    how can I keep web-console without timeout (web-console keep open and refresh every 1 mints) for monitoring Screen in wall.

    and Same for Operations-Console

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